Friday, December 12, 2008

International Stories

Ah!  La Belle France!  Paris!  I read a blog yesterday that was talking about stories set in Foreign locals.   It got me thinking about how much I love books that are set in far away places. I love learning about the cultures and the people that live there.  I would love to see more books like this.  I understand that the location needs to be integral to the storyline of the book, but I think there's a market out there for these types of books.  What do y'all say?  Books set in Paris or Cannes or Nice or wherever?  Are they for you? 


Unknown said...

Absolutely! Those are the best kinds of places--those that let you explore a new world. The world could be in America--I don't know much about Hollywood, for example--but I do prefer a good global setting. Have you read the 39 Clues?

Alyssa said...

I agree! I love books that take place in exotic places because the writing takes you there!

Kristen, spinning said...

Oh completely. I loved FRENCH BY HEART, just loved it. Maybe that's why most of my favourite authors are from overseas - London, Dublin, and the U.S.

lotusgirl said...

Beth, I haven't read 39 Clues. Where is it set?

I love being immersed in a foreign local like in The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns. Those are areas I've never traveled, and, with the unrest there, it's likely I will never get the chance to go there in the future, so a book taking me there is like gold.

(Kristen, don't you like all my commas? haha!)

Jill Wheeler said...

I wish I knew enough about another culture to set a story in a faraway place!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

PJ Hoover said...

I think if I had traveled somewhere, I'd love to write a story set there!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Of course I LOVE these books--but I'm a little biased. :)
And spinregina, I want to hug you!

Bowman said...

I prefer more fantastic settings: distant planets, parallel universes, etc.

lotusgirl said...

Thanks y'all!! I knew I wasn't the only one. I loved French by Heart too! It's such a charming book. In fact, I recommended it to spinregina. I may have to include it in my book reviews.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Hmm, Monarch is set in Brazil for some of the time. Does that count? Sao Paul, specifically. :)

lotusgirl said...

Lady G, I'd say that definitely counts! I'm looking forward to reading it. As you know, I love the beginning.

Stephanie Perkins said...

Oh my stars, there'd BETTER be a market for this! The YA I'm agenting right now just-so-happens to be set in Paris :)

lotusgirl said...

I'm so totally your market for that. Good luck finding a publisher for it. (That's assuming it still needs one.) I especially think teens will like books set in places like Paris, London, Rome, Zurich, Tokyo, etc.: Cities they've heard of and think they'd like but have never been to.